Assessment forms greyed out areas
AnsweredHi, I was wondering why all of the details including how many times i have met the patient and their ICD-10 code are greyed out to the trainee and have to be completed by the assessor?
I often have to email the assessor separately to advise them of the answers to these questions so that they can then complete the feedback of what they observed.
Could these sections be available for the trainee to fill before submitting the form?
Official comment
Hi Jemima,
Thanks for the comment on ICD-10 codes, it has taken a while for us to get to this as the WPBA were being re-designed with the new curriculum. I was able to get confirmation at the last project meeting that the College was happy to make the ICD-10 field editable by the trainee prior to submission so hopefully this will make things easier in future.
With regards the synopsis box, this has been raised as a separate suggestion here and this has now been answered.
The portfolio is designed specifically to not rely on sending e-mail where possible to avoid issues with external mail providers, and so we are reluctant to implement anything that would increase reliance on email being sent. The primary mechanism for submitting an assessment has always been that the assessor can go directly to the homepage and search for the trainee they wish to assess. The ability to request the assessment via the portfolio was added later.
The WPBA is intended to be completed together with the assessor. This should give the opportunity to discuss aspects of the assessment. If you did want to communicate this via an email then we would recommend you email the assessor directly.
Hi Jemima,
Thank you for your suggestion.
It was our understanding that these fields were for the assessor to complete, however I do see an argument for trainees being able to complete certain fields on forms if this alleviates any unnecessary additional correspondence between the assessor and themselves.
I will pass your suggestion to our contact at the College for their consideration.
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Thank you. The fields I mentioned (ICD-10 code, previous knowledge of the patient and emphasis of assessment) all used to be available for the trainee to pre-fill which made it a lot easier for non-medical assessors in particular.
Another change is that there is no longer a synopsis box for assessments, only the capability to link a case log. The case log may apply to more than one assessment and is therefore more generalised so there is now no place to put in writing the specific thing that is being assessed or any reflection for discussion with the assessor about how it went. This is particularly frustrating when sending a 'ticket' to an assessor to be completed as I have to contact them separately to remind them what aspect we were assessing. Previously there was a synopsis box to be filled in by the trainee as well as the option to link a case log. Please could this be raised to the College?
Many thanks
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Hi Jemima,
Apologies for not responding to this sooner.
This was brought to the Portfolio Online working group and it was agreed that the current method of creating a separate Clinical Experience for WPBA's was preferable as having the Clinical Experience as an activity in its own right proved to be more useful in terms of then being able to look at Case Logs as a body of evidence in themselves.
It might be possible to add some extra wording to the case log itself that contextualises the WPBA(s) that this relates to - such as “on <date> requested a <type> to assess <aspect>” or something similar.
As the case develops over time there are two ways to handle this. You can record each encounter as a clinical experience in its own right (and if you create these as a ‘Follow-Up’ activity this will maintain a chain of connections that allow you to see the progression of the case).
Alternatively if you prefer you could edit the case log and add further details with a datestamp, such that the description may over time begin to look like a journal e.g
01 Jan 2024
<description of clinical experience at that time>
requested ACE from Dr Jones to assess HLO 2.2 Clinical Skills
01 Feb 2024
<description of clinical experience at that time>
requested CbD from Dr Jones to assess HLO 2.1 Patient Communication
We understand people prefer to use the portfolio in different ways and try to accommodate this, as such we would not recommend one method over another here, and if you find your own method that works for you then we would try to support this where we could.
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