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Mini-Pat - seeing who has responded?




  • Sarah Bettison

    Dear Emily,

    Many thanks for getting in touch.

    The mini-PAT assessment is confidential and in order to ensure confidentiality we cannot disclose which assessors have completed mini-PAT forms.


  • Deepa Sarah Parry-Gupta

    I do understand that, but we end up hassling all our colleagues, even those who have already responded; is there any way the College/iportfolio could selectively send reminders to those who haven't yet responded. (In a way that we don't see so confidentiality is retained..)

  • Sarah Bettison

    Absolutely. The system is designed so that if you use the 'send reminders' button, then only those who have not responded will be sent an e-mail. Similarly, if a trainee attempts to send an individual reminder to an assessor who has completed the form, then the system will silently ignore this.

  • Emily Melling

    Hi, I note the reply to my question, thanks - however please could you explain the confidentiality aspect further? When I was a foundation doctor using the Horus portfolio, we were able to see who had replied to the TAB (the FY equivalent of the mini-PAT), I have checked with my current FY colleagues who confirm this is still the case, so I just wondering what the difference is?


  • Sarah Bettison

    Hi Emily,

    The mini-PAT assessment implemented on Portfolio Online is in line with the College's guidelines.

    As to the reason why the mini-PAT has been designed this way, I would have to speak with colleagues at the College to get a definitive answer.

    If you could bear with me I'll get back to you soon!


  • Sarah Bettison

    Hi Emily.

    I have spoken with colleagues at the College. The online mini-PAT replaced a paper mini-PAT which was already in existence. This assessment was the product of research which concluded that by not disclosing who has completed a mini-PAT to a trainee, responses are more reliable.

    Whilst we do not disclose to a trainee who has responded to a mini-PAT, this does not mean that the responses are anonymous. If a trainee has any concerns about the legitimacy of any comments or ratings, the trainee can raise these. An ideal time for this would be in the face-to-face feedback session with the educational supervisor.

    One step a trainee can take to help mitigate issues with assessors not completing a mini-PAT is to check with them in advance of nominating that they are both willing and available to complete the assessment in the time required.



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