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ES/CS Supervision



1 comment

  • Official comment
    Simon Bettison

    Hi Olaoluwamide,

    The two forms that we have are the Psychiatric Supervisor Report and the ARCP Education Supervisor Summary Report.

    As the name suggests the latter is for the educational supervisor to suggest and this would typically be annually just prior to your ARCP.

    The Psychiatric Supervisor Report is typically completed at the end of each post by your Psychiatric Supervisor - this is sometimes referred to as your Clinical Supervisor.

    However, the system does not mandate what role a supervisor must be to complete a particular report - this is because we cannot be certain that trainees circumstances are always the same, and it may be that on occasion the clinical/psychiatric/educational supervisor needs to complete one of the other reports.

    For more information on the requirements for trainees/supervisors with regards what reports are recommended to be completed and by whom, you can check the RCPsych Silver Guide that can be found on the College website here:


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