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Assessment summary on dashboard



1 comment

  • Official comment
    Simon Bettison

    Hi Isabel,

    The assessment requirements are a subject of much discussion, as there is concern that these requirements can sometimes be seen as a target and that once this has been achieved no further WPBA of this type are necessary.

    Whilst this is true in the sense that they are a minimum requirement, the decision as to whether to do more WPBA of a particular type should be based on whether or not adequate coverage of curriculum competencies/capabilities has been achieved. If further coverage is necessary, and a particular WPBA is a good way of getting this, then it would be better to do more of this type of WPBA than the minimum.

    To that end it was decided that the minimum requirements on the Assessment Summary page would not be shown to reduce the focus on those minimums. It was agreed that when the ARCP was scheduled, then at that point the minimum would be shown in order to help the trainee identify any shortfall prior to ARCP. 

    If at any time you do wish to know the minimum requirements you can check this in the relevant curriculum document on the College website here: 

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