There may be times in when you wish to link one activity to another or a reflection to an assessment or vice-versa in your portfolio. You can do this using the 'follow-up' feature.
- In your portfolio on Portfolio Online, choose an activity.
- activities can be found in the activities, assessments or reviews sections.
- Click on New Followup, then select a proforma for the followup activity.
- Enter the details of the followup then click on Create New Activity.
- Complete the form
The sections of the form that need completing will vary depending on the type of follow-up selected.
The process for completing activities, assessments and reviews does not change for them being follow-ups.
Once a follow up has been completed and submitted, you will be able to see a breadcrumb trail of linked documents at the top of your form.
Click on the links in the breadcrumb trail to view each document.
Each document with a follow-up will have a follow-up chart to help visualise related documents.
Users with relevant permissions such as educational or clinical supervisors, nominated assessors etc. will be also able to see linked documents in a trainee's portfolio.
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