Workplace Based Assessments, or WPBAs, are designed to be formative tools providing a basis for feedback and educational planning.
Their function should be used to improve a trainee's performance. This includes helping to identify any specially focused teaching and learning that might be necessary to fill gaps or resolve weaknesses.
WPBAs are evidence-based and the evidence they provide should be triangulated wherever possible i.e. by different assessors on different occasions and if possible, using different methods.
They should also be completed regularly throughout a placement to demonstrate effective review and appraisal and should not be left until the end of each stage of training or clinical placement.
There are a number of WPBAs on Portfolio Online. For a description of each one, see our article: The Work Place Based Assessments on Portfolio Online.
WPBAs on Portfolio Online can be started by either trainees or assessors. If a trainee initiates an assessment, they request an assessment on Portfolio Online and can complete certain areas on the form before sending it to an assessor. Non-clinical Work Place Based Assessment for example have a synopsis field which can be used to indicate what evidence the assessment is intending to demonstrate.
Clinical WPBAs must be linked to a clinical experience i.e. a Case Log and submitted by the trainee, ideally prior to sending an assessment request. However this can also be done afterwards, if the assessor elects to submit the form first.
Once a WPBA has been completed, it automatically becomes an activity in a trainee's portfolio. Once an activity, it can be mapped to curricula.
Individually, WPBAs have no ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ score, however, taken together, they contribute to the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP), which has a summative function providing evidence of the attainment of competencies.
For information on who can be an assessor for a WPBA, read Who can complete a WPBA?
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