Whether you are a trainee or in a non-training post, you can allow other people to view your portfolio by granting them access. This gives you some control over who can see the information in your portfolio, in addition to those who are automatically granted access via your school/deanery. It's important that those who supervise you, have access to your portfolio because they need to see your portfolio to be able to fulfil their role.
If you are setting up your portfolio for the first time, you'll be asked to enter these details as part of the set-up process. You can, however, add supervisors at any time by doing the following.
- In your portfolio on Portfolio Online click on the link at the top of your portfolio card to open up the portfolio.
- Click on the Supervisors tab.
- Click on + New Supervisor Relationship, then choose the type of supervisor.
- Click on Add Supervisor, then enter the supervisor's details
- POtip: Check with your supervisor to see if they already have an account on Portfolio Online and, if so, which email address they use. If you use a different email address to the one your supervisor uses, your supervisor may not be able to see your portfolio.
- Click on Nominate
- If the email you have used to nominate your supervisor is already linked to an account on Portfolio Online, that account will immediately be given access to your portfolio. If the email address is unrecognised, we'll send an email inviting the person you have nominated to create an account on Portfolio Online.
When you change supervisors, you should end the access your previous supervisor had and add your new supervisor.
How do I edit the start & end dates of a supervisor relationship?
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