In Portfolio Online, the term portfolio refers to everything recorded past and present. When registering for a portfolio on Portfolio Online, you will be asked to specify what type of portfolio you are creating. You can choose from a specialty training portfolio or a non-training portfolio.
Folders represent a discrete collection of events that typically relate to a given time period such as a training level or appraisal year. If you don't already have a folder in your portfolio, you can add a new folder from the portfolio card on your dashboard.
If the portfolio is being used for a CESR application, there would typically be just one folder which contains the material to support the CESR application.
The current folder is where all activities and assessments will be stored by default. It’s also the default filter when viewing activities. By using the filters on the activities page, previous folders can be selected as can a view of everything in one list.
Activities can be moved from one folder to another by editing the activity. This goes to a screen where the activity can be moved.
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